Channel selection

The channel that will be triggered on can be selected by:

  1. Tapping the CH1 or CH2 buttons in the trigger section of the control panel. Trigger channel buttons
  2. Tapping the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen and selecting Channel from the popup menu.

Note. If the selected trigger channel is not enabled (switched on) then triggering will not occur.

The trigger channel is displayed in the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen.

Trigger badge channel

Trigger level

The trigger voltage level can by adjusted by:

  1. Tapping the plus(+) or minus(-) buttons in the Trigger section of the control panel. Trigger level play and minus buttons
  2. Tapping the LEVEL button. This will allow you to enter an exact value.
  3. Tapping and holding the LEVEL button. This will set the trigger level to the midpoint of the displayed waveform.
  4. Tapping the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen and selecting Level from the popup menu.

The trigger level is displayed in the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen.

Trigger badge level

Trigger types

Scoppy can trigger on either the rising or falling edge of a waveform. Select the trigger type by:

  1. Tapping the RISING EDGE or FALLING EDGE buttons on the control panel. Trigger type buttons
  2. Tapping the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen and selecting Type from the popup menu.

The trigger type is displayed in the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen.

Trigger badge type

Trigger modes


In the OFF mode (called Roll Mode on some Oscilloscopes), triggering is disabled and Scoppy displays the most recent samples of the sample record. This is useful for high TIME/DIV settings (ie slow sweep speeds) where waiting for a full screen of samples to be aquired could take a long time.


Scoppy will look for a trigger point and if found display the waveform. If not triggered withing a short period of time Scoppy will go ahead and display the waveform anyway.


Scoppy will wait for a trigger before updating the displayed waveform. If RUN or SINGLE is selected after NORMAL trigger mode has been selected, the screen will remain blank until the scope is triggered and the run mode will be shown as RUNNING.

Pre-trigger samples

Scoppy normally tries to position the trigger sample in the center of the sample record. This can be sub-optimal if most of the samples you’re interested in are located either before or after the trigger sample. The Pre-trigger samples setting allows you to specify the percentage of the samples that will appear before the trigger point in the sample record.

The setting can be adjusted by tapping the TRIG badge at the bottom of the screen and selecting Pre-trigger samples from the popup menu.

When any value other than 50% is selected for the pre-trigger samples, the value is displayed in the TRIG badge.

See Also

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Using the App
Scoppy Forum & Support
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